LinkedIn Ad — Executive Coach
TARGET: Ad 1 — CEOs and business owners, Ad 2 — directors and executives
GOAL: A solopreneur and business coach wanted to generate more leads, so we recommended LinkedIn ads. She agreed to a small ad spend to start, and wanted to also promote her latest book.
CONCEPT: She had been a guest on a couple of podcasts talking about her book on succession planning, so I knew I may be able to pull clips from the podcast to use for video content in the ad. Since her audience could be business owners, but also directors who play a key role in leading a business, I decided to separate these audiences so that we could direct ads to each one specifically.
For owners, I chose a clip sharing the story of another owner who failed to do succession planning, resulting in the business failing after he passed away suddenly. I focused the copy first on a pain point, the fact their business depends on them for survival, and then moved into succession planning being the key to leaving a legacy and exiting the business while it’s at a high valuation (two things they desire).
For the directors, I chose a clip that focused on the fact that a lack of succession planning can prevent them from being promoted, and I used that to lead the copy, since promotion is what many desire.
RESULT: The ad performed slightly below industry average, but the ad spend was only $200. The account manager is now charged with convincing the client to spend a greater amount that would give us a better understanding of the ad’s performance. Then, based on the results, we can make adjustments from there.