Fair Trade Gift Shop Ad Campaign
The Holy Land Gift Shop provides fair trade items directly from the Holy Land. Items are purchased from artisans who live outside the Jerusalem barrier wall, providing them an opportunity to earn a living in the economically depressed areas that surround the city. This ad was part of a multi-pronged strategy put in place by the agency team with which I worked.
The client was in need of better communicating their mission to their target audience, because most did not understand how the supported people in Israel.
I created multiple ads for a Christian magazine, and the goal of this ad was to share the gift shop's mission while touching on the major problem of Christians emigrating from the Holy Land to look for more opportunity.
Because the audience reading this magazine is a Christian one, I knew they’d be in support of trying to keep Christians in the area. While there was no room to describe the issue of mass emigration by Israelis living just outside Jerusalem to other parts of the world with more opportunities, I did have enough room to make the point that supporting the gift shop will help support the people there who struggle to make a living. So, I alluded to the emigration problem with the headline, and then used the sub-headline to show support of the gift shop as a solution to the problem.
To pair with this ad, I also created hero images for the gift shop website that used the same main graphic and headline, but also showed a pie chart of the Christian make-up of the Holy Land in 1948 versus today, a startling comparison.
We also decided the website needed some kind of icons or infographic to outline their process so people could understand how their purchase supports Holy Land artisans. I worked with the graphic designer to come up with this branded infographic. This version was added to the gift shop’s mission page, and we created a poster-sized infographic to display in the brick-and-mortar store.
As well as our efforts to boost sales for the e-commerce store, we created assets to reach customers of the brick-and-mortar store with the same messaging. As a part of the overall campaign, I suggested creating cards that could be placed in bags during in-store purchases. Each card would promote the mission by sharing the story of one of the artisans supported by the gift shop.
On the reverse side, we added the gift shop’s logo, website, hours, and a prayer for people in the Holy Land. We made two different versions, each with a different artist, and planned to make two more after the store manager’s next trip to the Holy Land.